Hydrogen Water Tablets vs Hydrogen Water Bottles: A Deep Dive

Hydrogen Water Labs
3 min readSep 24, 2023


hydrogen water tablets
hydrogen water tablets

In recent years, the health and wellness industry has seen a surge in products that claim to offer the benefits of hydrogen-rich water. Among these, magnesium-based hydrogen water tablets and hydrogen water generators have emerged as popular choices. But how do these two methods compare, and what should consumers know before making a choice? Let’s delve into the science and facts behind these products.

Hydrogen Water: The Basics

Hydrogen water simply refers to water that contains dissolved hydrogen gas. Advocates believe that consuming hydrogen-rich water can offer various health benefits, although research in this area is still ongoing.

Magnesium-Based Hydrogen Water Tablets

These tablets are designed to release hydrogen gas when they come into contact with water. The primary ingredient in these tablets is typically magnesium, which reacts with water to produce hydrogen gas.

1. Limitations in Hydrogen Dissolution:
Under normal atmospheric pressure, the maximum dissolution of hydrogen in water is 1.6 parts per million (ppm). This means that regardless of the quantity or quality of the tablet, you cannot achieve a concentration higher than 1.6 ppm in open containers.

2. The Role of Le Chatelier’s Principle:
Le Chatelier’s principle, a fundamental concept in chemistry, states that if a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions, the position of equilibrium shifts to counteract the change. In the context of hydrogen water tablets, this principle implies that releasing hydrogen gas in a closed container can lead to an increase in pressure, which can, in turn, affect the equilibrium of the reaction. This is why manufacturers recommend not dissolving these tablets in closed containers.

3. Potential Drawbacks:
While magnesium-based hydrogen water tablets might seem convenient, there are several potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Upset Stomach: The reaction between magnesium and water produces magnesium hydroxide, which can upset some people’s stomachs.
  • Interaction with Medications: There’s potential for magnesium-based tablets to interact with certain medications.
  • Cost: Using tablets regularly can become expensive in the long run.
annual cost comparison table

Hydrogen Water Generators

Hydrogen water generators are devices designed to infuse water with hydrogen gas. They typically work by electrolysing water to produce hydrogen, which then dissolves into the water.

These bottles are designed to provide a consistent and reliable source of hydrogen-rich water without the drawbacks associated with tablets.


While the allure of magnesium-based hydrogen water tablets is understandable, it’s essential to be informed about their limitations and potential drawbacks. Hydrogen water bottles provide a more consistent and potentially safer way to enjoy the benefits of hydrogen-rich water. As always, it’s crucial to do thorough research and consult with healthcare professionals before making any decisions about health and wellness products.



Hydrogen Water Labs
Hydrogen Water Labs

Written by Hydrogen Water Labs

Hydrogen Water Labs is a review company dedicated to providing comprehensive information and resources about hydrogen water generators and related products.

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